
On Wealth

What's the definition of wealth? $100,000 , $1 million , $100 million , $1 billion? I hope that you found your number in there. Being wealthy means different things to different people. To a child who has never had his own pair of shoes, $100 might be his idea of being wealthy while growing up. Whereas, a child that has always had a life of lux and privilege, may believe that being a millionaire is not only the norm, but anyone below that financial status is poor. Some people consider themselves wealthy if they have $50 more than their cousin, while another may only consider himself wealthy if they have a beach front property. The bottom line is that wealth is a relative concept.

What is not a relative concept is that all people want to improve their condition of living. I believe the heart of human nature is the yearning for advancement. For example, if you are homeless, you would like to have shelter. If you live in an apartment, you would like to live in a home. If you live in a home, you would like to live in a larger home, in a more desirable neighborhood, closer to the beach etc... We live in an amazing country where hard work, dedication and innate talent can make these things possible...for that I am grateful.

From the "Google Earth" view, wealth means very different things to different people. It can range from health, friendships or even material comforts. How you can tell which one is important to you at this moment is finding out where your current energy is focused. We are constantly evolving into the people that we are meant to be. There have been years in my life where my energy was spent only on acquiring material comforts and other years where friendship and health took the reigns. For most people, the focus only returns to the peripheral areas when neglected to the point of distress. I have heard many stories, where a multi-millionaire stock broker is struck by serious heart attack, only then does health become priority one. Other times, cliches like "it's lonely at the top" come to mind. Where an individual has spent so much time and effort making money and one day they come to the realization that they have a network full of acquaintances, but no real connections with friends. We as human desire to be in balance, yet with all the daily noise, it is easy to forget what is truly important to us. Here's to living in the greatest wealth balance possible.

Wishing you wealth in all it's greatest forms.

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