
Your "Hour of Power" is Here

I just got wonderful news. Have you received something unexpected lately?
Maybe, it was extra time on the parking meter or finding money in the back pocket of your favorite jeans or getting an extra hour in your day? Today, I got just that. I had no idea that today was the end of daylight savings time and would be given the gift of time. Being so, I didn't make grand plans...like sleeping in an extra hour. Instead, I have decided to spend it connecting with old friends that have really made a difference in my life.

You can spend it however you like, but I recommend using the extra time and find ways to create more wealth in your life. Whether that means wealth in friendship or wealth in financial terms, like doing that budget that you have been putting off. Either way, I hope you make this extra hour count.

Wishing You Wealth in all its Greatest Forms


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