
Unleash Your Inner Child For Success in Life...

As we grow older and dare I say mature, the connection with our inner child fades. It's no secret that as American adults, we are overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed. Between the hectic schedule of work, chores, social groups and other commitments, it's difficult to remember our childhood dreams.

Can you remember when you wanted to be an astronaut, firefighter or president? I guess, being an insurance adjuster was accidentally left off the list. When you're young, the sky's the limit. As we grow older, we develop tunnel vision and see only what's directly in front of us. We can easily lose sight of what's truly important in life...the childlike hope, passion and creativity.

When we were children, our schedules were completely laid out for us. In grade school, we were told when to play, sleep, eat and even what to say. Yet, that didn't keep us from letting our imagination run wild and enjoying each moment. This country was built on the imagination and possibility of our forefathers. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are penned in the Declaration of Independence. You need to connect both your rational mind and childlike creative mind to see what's really possible, instead of only what is. Whatever it is, find your bliss.

Wishing You Wealth in all its Greatest Forms,


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