
Life Expectancy Examined

If you are in good health, there is a good chance that you may live to be about 75 if you are a man and 80, if you are a woman. In the 1900's, people tended to live only to around 47. By the 1950's life expectancy had grown to around 68 years old. On average, those born in 2005 will live to nearly 78 years old.[cdc.gov]

With the strides and advancements in biology and medicine, life expectancy continues to grow. Some scholars belive that the human body is built to last many years and we have just begun to uncoverthe tools to optimum life span. Imagine living to the age of 150, or longer. Many animals live six or seven times their age at maturity.

These are sobering statistics since most people create their financial plan starting at the age of 65. With medical advancements, it's possible that many will be retired for more years than they spent working. It's key that you create a plan that is based on the possibility of an extended retirement.

Wishing You Wealth in all its Greatest Forms,


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