
How the Wealthy Really Live

Since my youth, I have always wondered about the difference between the wealthy and those that struggle and live paycheck to paycheck. Later in life, I was surprised to learn that it was much more simple than I realized. Those that are wealthy don’t always make more than the average American. The biggest difference is how they live their life.

1. They follow the plan

A financial plan is the most important part of getting on the path to financial freedom. Too often, we set goals for ourselves and fail to reach them because we don’t stick with it. The wealthy not only have a plan, but they follow the program. When we are consistent with our actions, they become habits. If you could develop one positive financial habit a week, imagine where you would be in just one short year. Those that are wealthy are diversified in their investment plan and have implemented sound insurance, tax and financial strategies and are willing to put off instant gratification for long term results.

2. They are penny-wise

The wealthy who have worked hard and developed their prosperity over time have also developed an attitude of frugality. They realize that every penny invested or spent wisely will bring about more pennies, which will bring about dollars. Those that are truly wealthy have the ability to discern between a need and a want and spend their dollars accordingly.

3. They ignore social prominence

The world’s “average” millionaires live rather simple lives. They tend to own their houses outright and drive older cars. The poor tend to rent and drive expensive automobiles. Those that are truly wealthy are that way because of their habits. Often times, you would never know their wealth by the way they dress, drive or live.

Every person can become wealthy if they take the time to cement those habits that allow them to become that way. We all have choice in our lives and you can choose to live a life of prosperity or a life of lacking. Take the time today to build positive financial habits.

Wishing You Wealth in all its Greatest Forms,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so true. Sometimes, it's easy to forget the simple things that make a big difference.

Keep up the good work!