
Living Longer or Living Better?

There’s been a shift in the media attention on aging over the last twenty years. Whether you believe the media is a reflection of nation or not, one thing is true…the focus has changed. As recently at fifteen years ago, the big push was finding out ways to live longer. They showcased new options for preventative measures, medical procedures, and let’s not forget new prescription drugs. The landscape of aging was entering a new frontier. Little did they realize that living longer carried a whole new set of issues. Sure, now you have a longer life expectancy, but with it came a dramatic realization that living longer isn’t a benefit if you can’t enjoy that time. In recent years, the shift in consciousness has been on living “better.” This ranges from eating better to improving brain function. Health food stores and farmer’s markets are more popular than ever with Wild Oats, Whole Foods and Mother’s Market catering to those wishing to live “consciously.” I wouldn’t credit all the push toward a “greener” world with the baby boomer generation, but they have certainly helped fund the growth and expansion of it.

Wishing You Wealth in all its Greatest Forms

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