
Lottery Retirement Plan

While purchasing my SOBE tea at the liquor store, a man told me that this was going to be his lucky day. He had worked hard all his life with nothing to show for it and he was going to win the lottery. This interested me intensely since everything in my training as a financial advisor doesn’t include the lottery as a viable retirement plan. Hmm…I thought to myself...I wonder how many people are depending on the lottery for retirement. Well, an article on MSN stated that 40% of people with incomes between $25K-$35K and 50% of people with incomes between $15K-$25K believe that their retirement nest egg will come from the lottery.

All I can say is that is startling. So if you subscribe to that belief you have a 1 in 135,145,920 of retiring well from your lottery winnings. To increase your chances, you might want to stop by a psychic that will not only tell you amazing facts about your past, but also what the next lottery numbers will be. Luckily, I have my six numbers clearly printed on the back of my fortune cookie message.

Good luck to all you players.

Wishing you Wealth in all its Greatest Forms.

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