
College and Beyond...

Many college seniors will be graduating this upcoming June, but there are stark realities that need to be dealt with. They know that with widespread layoffs, that the job market is going to be more competitive...possibly leading to fewer jobs and reduced pay scales. Yet, the decision to continue on to attain graduate degrees are going to be more difficult as well. The well has dried up for many student loans and taking on the additional debt of student loans seems frightening giving the current economic environment. Parents who intended to pay for their children's education are now thinking twice since the stock market has impacted the value of their 401(k) and IRA's. The boomers have watched their net worth decrease by $2 trillion dollars between home value and stock market prices.

The truth is that in difficult economic times, to get the job of choice, a person needs as much education as possible. Prospective graduate students should do everything in their power to continue on with higher education. There are still millions in grants and scholarships available to those who seek them out. With the birth of the internet, applying for a grant is as easy as going to Grants.gov by registering and applying.

Resources are always available for those committed to achieving more.

Wishing You Wealth in all its Greatest Forms


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