
Slowing Down with Traffic School

Yesterday, I attended traffic school. I received a speeding ticket for going 75 mph on the freeway 3 weeks ago at 6:00am. At first, I felt slighted and tried to rationalize that others were going 80-90mph, so they should be getting tickets. Then, I tried to dismiss the idea that I was in the wrong since there were very few cars on the freeway at this time in the morning. The bottom line is that I was going above the speed limit and I need to take responsibility for my actions. Anyhow, the Highway patrolman was very nice and nearly apologized for giving me the speeding ticket.

I was dreading traffic school since I have been so busy these last few weeks. You might be surprised, but it was the best $57, I have spent in a long time. The instructor was kind and had a good sense of humor. During our 8 hours together, he told us about how his life has changed over the years. He used to have “road rage” and be in a constant hurry. He read us a story from a former student that tried to get in front of another car, but ended up losing control and veering into the bike lane and hitting a couple on bicycles. She ended up surviving, but her husband passed away from this accident. The truth is we all lead busy lives filled with things to do and we often try to minimize the time we spend on the road by speeding, cutting in front of other cars or driving erratically. We drive so often that we forget how large of a responsibility it is. Many people are in a rush and bring their stresses on the road.

I hope that during this holiday season, we take the time to focus on what’s really important, getting to our families and friends safely.

Wishing You Wealth in all its Greatest Forms


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